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Editorial Submissions

To submit a project to VMSD, email the VMSD editors ( the details of your project including a press release if available, high-resolution, professional photos, the date the store opened and any other information available.

For any other questions regarding editorial submissions, please contact the VMSD editors at or 

Add a “News From Our Readers” Item:
VMSD's redesigned website now allows you to upload your content any time (press releases, event announcements, et cetera). To do so, follow the steps below**:

  1. If interested in signing up for a username/password in order to submit to the Reader News section, post a job listing, or a forum topic, please email the VMSD editors your credentials (name, email, job title, etc.) and your account will be set up for you as soon as possible: For questions or concerns regarding this process, please email
  2. Go to the black navigation bar on the homepage that should appear after you login (toward the top of the page) and hover over “Content.” A drop-down menu should appear. Hover your cursor over “Add Content” in the new drop-down menu.
  3. A final drop-down menu should appear after hovering over “Add Content.” Click on “Reader News” from this list.*
  4. Fill out the fields and follow the prompts.
  5. Once you enter your information, click “Save” at the bottom. Your submission will then be sent to VMSD’s editors for review and approval.

*You may also click “Add Content,” which should take you to a page that lists all the content options. You may select “Reader News” from this list.

**Please note that after our editors approve your posting, you will not be allowed to make any changes to your posting's settings (i.e., where it's posted on the website). Editors reserve the right to move a particular Reader News item to any section of the website at their discretion.



