
IRDC serves executives, planners, merchandisers and designers from every retail sector—from department stores and discount chains to grocery stores and specialty boutiques—as well as designers, architects, consultants and contractors who specialize in creating and maintaining retail environments. If you are a manufacturer or supplier, you must be a sponsor to attend. Please contact Linda D'Adamo at to learn more.  

Almost. If you’re a supplier to the retail design industry (fixtures, lighting, etc), you must be a sponsor to attend the conference. (To learn more, visit the Sponsorship Opportunities page.) Otherwise, anyone interested in learning about new trends and ideas in retail is invited to attend.

No. At IRDC, the focus is on education and networking, so the program is comprised of general sessions, breakout sessions, workshops, roundtable discussions and networking events—all designed to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information.

Please contact us with program recommendations. We welcome your input.

We’re sorry, we are not able to administer AIA credits for conference sessions.

Yes. We make sure our facility has total accessibility, and we do whatever is needed to make attending the conference as convenient as possible for all attendees. If you have a special need, please contact us after you have registered and we’ll make any necessary arrangements.

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